Flagstone Day 2 and 3

Flagstone Day 2 and 3

Whack! OW!!

So I took this picture Tuesday with the full  
intention of posting it for yesterday. Life   
decided that I would take an extra day. This  
is from Wednesday's and Friday's rock movin.  
And I have just had really bad weather lately.

So I have 'four' days (about 16 hours) of time
invested in this project so far. The third day
I had help from a buddy and my brother-in-law.
Saturday and Sunday were spent moving almost  
4000 lbs of flagstone 200 ft, from the driveway
to where it currently rests in the back yard. 
While moving the flagstone from the pickup to 
the ground I had the same buddy and my father-
in-law helping me out, in the pouring rain. We
managed to get everything out and sitting     
against my 'retaining' wall in the front yard,
about 20ft from the truck. Then Sunday I moved
all of it from the front yard to the backyard.
I've since wasted a few good days resting back
up since the smallest piece in the set was    
about 120 lbs. It doesn't take a math wizard  
to know that a guy who weighs 210 lbs moving a
250 lbs rock up an incline will make the guy  
wish that he was in better shape.             

Needin' a Scotch on the rocks,

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