Flagstone Day 5

Flagstone Day 5

Yard Work

My friend... well he might not want to be anymore...
J came by and totally rocked on with helping me with
my flagstone. He makes it seem really easy... but I 
had to be careful walking for a week after this to  
not completely destroy my knees. We moved a huge    
portion of the large pieces 2 to 3 times to get them
into better locations for being able to work on the  
yard. I took most of the past week off from work to 
travel the 'slow' road and not be up and walking all
over the place for work.

My wife has been attempting to capitolize on my down 
time and put in extra hours at work.  So far it seems
that it should make the bills balance out. A stupid  
bloke (was a friend, now an acquaintance) has been   
killing my budget by missing payments for a car that 
we sold him. Its slowly killing me... dang creditors.

Searching for a bigger bat.

This comic has been viewed 674 times

Comics uploaded until 2009-06-12 (0 left)